We offer a comprehensive fire reticulation installation service for businesses in need of a reliable and effective firefighting system. Our experienced designers and technicians will assess your property and requirements to provide you with the best fire reticulation system for your needs. We only use high quality components to ensure along lasting and reliable system.
Fire water tanks are large tanks that are designed to store a large volume of water to put out a fire. These tanks work hand in hand with fire pumps to provide auxiliary fire water supplies to a sprinkler system.
We provide services on the following:
- Sub-divided sectional steel tanks
- Cylindrical welded steel tanks
- Cylindrical bolted steel tanks
- Tank refurbishments
- Tank inspections
We offer a comprehensive range of fire equipment products. This includes the sales, service, installation & maintenance of the following:
- DCP type fire extinguishers
- CO2 type fire extinguishers
- Wet Chemical fire extinguishers
- Fire hose reels
- fire hydrants
- Fire hoses
- Cabinet enclosures
- symbolic safety signage
- fire blankets
We provide fire detection and gas suppression systems that are designed to detect and alert building occupants of a fire in its earliest stages. Additionally we offer gas suppression systems which offer a clean and effective way to extinguish fires without causing any further damage to your property. Our service offering entails the following:
- Smoke detection
- Heat detection
- Flame detection
- Air aspiration systems
- Gas suppression
We provide the following in-house services in addition to our core services to clients as well other fire companies.
We carry out fire protection design in accordance with the following standards:
- & FM Global
Our in-house facility provides pipe fabrication and welding services to meet our customers needs. We guarantee that our pipe fabrication and welding services are of the highest quality, while also providing competitive pricing and timely delivery.
We offer inspection & testing services through Service Level Agreements. We conduct the following on your behalf:
- Weekly sprinkler & pump test
- Hydrant flow & pressure test
- Monthly fire detection system inspections
- Fire equipment inspections